Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Did you drop your wedding ring?"

Pont Neuf Bridge
After a much needed shower and catnap, Rick and I set out on the streets of Paris for a walk about and then dinner.  We walked up along the Seine, where a very "nice" gentleman asked if Rick had dropped his wedding ring.  Rick was actually wearing his.  Apparently this is a scam where one is to feel so grateful that he/she would generously tip the con artist for "finding" his/her ring.  Problem is, this wouldn't work on those who have their wedding rings or, like Rick's, is rather unique in appearance so I've been puzzling over just how this scam is suppose to work.

Notre Dame
France Institute
Lots of big, old buildings and bridges in this area.  Saw the France Institute, the Louve, Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in Paris, and the Notre Dame. Wish I knew my European history to better understand the import of these behemoths. I see more book purchases on the horizon.

After we had worked up an appetite, we went in search of food and after much reading of French menus and being accosted by restaurant proprietors we found a small little place called "Vin and Terroirs" where we sat down to a bottle of red wine (bordeaux) and beef bourguinon and blue cheese and chive ravioli.  A dream com true. Yum. 

Vin and Terroirs Bistro
The restaurant was probably a little more touristy than we would have liked but it was small, intimate, and we got to chat a bit with our fellow patrons from Germany.  Afterward, we wandered the streets a little more, did a little shopping and then stopped to have gelatto, vanilla and amaretto flavors.  We crashed into our comfy bed a little after 9:00 am and slept until about 7:00 am.  On our way out to a Patisserie and then more walk about.


  1. What a wonderful first day in Paris! Wish I could properly pronounce all the French names you are writing. Your dinner was devine! The Bistro like something out of a movie set. Hang onto your rings!

  2. Sounds like a perfect first day, complete with an attempted tourist scam! Can't wait to hear about day 2.

  3. Look as non-American as you can. That nut-case in Florida is still threatening to burn Korans on Saturday so the State Dept. has issued a warning to all Americans traveling abroad.

  4. Thanks for all of the supportive comments.

    Saw in the news about the about the Florida pastor advocating the burning of the quran. >sigh<

    We try to blend by not wearing tennis shoes, t-shirts and fanny packs, but our behaviors (just how we walk and our mannerisms) give us away. We decided that it would be best to just sit in cafes and drink coffee and wine and not talk too much. Rick loves the idea :-)
