Saturday, September 25, 2010

The End . . . of This Adventure - 9/25/2010

Had a 4-hour layover in Dulles and we briefly toyed with the idea of dashing out to Georgetown and having dinner at one of our favorite Indian restaurants, but given that we'd be dealing with Friday DC traffic,  the 93-degree and muggy temps , and the fact that I was battling a cold I had picked up in Frankfurt (hey, at least it was at the end of the trip), we decided that it would be best to sit tight and, because there is really nothing to do at Dulles, take a stab at going through our work e-mails.  It wasn't so bad.  I was able to reduce the 300 e-mails to about 120 and, in reading most of the remaining ones, confirmed that nothing dire required my attention and that I am, indeed, expendable.  I've been looking forward to coming home, but I have to admit, while sitting in Dulles and hearing all of the international departures to places we've returned from and to places we have yet to go, I was a little envious of those just beginning their adventures while we were ending ours.

Six-hour flight home after a one hour delay made our long travel day even longer, but our wonderful friends, Casey and Alison picked us up at the airport and drove us home.  Thank you , thank you, thank you.  Also, if I hadn't mentioned it before, thank you Matt for taking us to the airport almost three weeks ago, these two were the easiest connections of the whole trip.

Today we are settling in, unpacking, doing laundry updating our finances (looks like I have enough leftover vacation funds for that Nespresso Machine :-)), weighing ourselves (as suspected, no weight gain!), going through snail mail, and picking up groceries.  Rick needs to get his fix of college football.  For me, I think I'll start planning our next trip.  Hello Scotland . . .

Signing off for now. Though the primary goal of the blog is to create a trip diary for us (which I normally do in pen and ink), I do hope you found it a little entertaining.  Thanks for reading and the feedback, verbal or electronic.  It was fun to have you join us on the trip.  Until the next adventure, cheers to all.

Jennifer and Rick


  1. Dad and I enjoyed every entry! It was wonderful to "join" you on your walking tour, all the wonderful meals and wines and the people you met. I liked your feeling of being German, all tall and gangly, cuz that's where you got it from!

  2. We really enjoyed reading about your journey and education! Your descriptions of the adventure were fun and informative. Teri and I are headed to France, Germany, and Italy this week and thanks to you, picked up some great nuggets from your blog to apply.
    Bill Briskey
